Tai-Yuan Wang
《Curriculum Vitae》
- Graduated from ChungSun Medical College in 1990.
- EMBA, National Cheng Kung University,2006
- Chief Resident of Surgical Department,
General Veterans Hospital- Taipei
- Attending Physician of Surgery,
Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital Tainan Branch
- Chief of Emergent Department,
Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital Tainan Branch
- Specialist of Surgery
- Specialist of Digestive Surgery Specialist of Endoscopic Surgery
- Examinations of anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy.
- Polypectomy via colonoscope.
- Hemorrhoid ligation, hemorrhoidectomy, fistulectomy.
- Treatment of anal fissure and perianal abscess.
- Screening of colon cancer.
- Surgical and chemical treatment for colon cancer.
- Temporary and permanent colonostomy and
health care education.
- Surgery for stomach disease, liver disease and
intestinal disease.
- Surgery for hernia. Surgery for breast disease.