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Dental Clinic

    Dr. Lin,Jong Hsiang' Pic

    Dr. Lin,Jong Hsiang

    * Educational Background
    1. Bachelor, Kaohsiung Medical College,R.O.C.
    2. Master of Science, University of Maryland At Baltimore, U.S.A.
    3. Research Fellow, Arm Forces Institute of Pathology, U.S.A.
    * Curriculum Vitae
    1. Resident, Dental Clinic of Affiliated Hospital of Kaohsiung Medical College.
    2. Resident, Dept. of Pathology, National Cheng Kang University Hospital.
    3. Instructor, Su-Zen Medical College.
    4. Instructor, Ministry of Education.
    5. Instructor, Ministry of Education.
    6. Oral Pathologist, Dept. of Public Health.
    * Specialty
    1. Specialty: Pathological Diagnosis. Clinical Diagnosis.
    2. Tooth Extraction.
    3. Fixed And Movable Prosthesis, Including Porcelain And Metal Crown And Bridge,
    4. Removable of Partial Denture and Full Denture.
    5. Endodontic Treatment.
    6. Periodontal, Gingival Surgery and Treatment.
    7. Implant Surgery.
    8. TMJ Pain Dysfunction Syndrome, etc.